Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blog moved

for anyone who wants to keep up with me... Here it is...the new one....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Train, Say your prayers, and eat your vitamins

This is the best music video ever.

Conversations with an Iraqi

A few years ago I lived in Chicago. Chicago is an interesting place for many reasons. One reason, among many, is that you have the fortune of meeting people from all over the world. You get really great perspective on world events. Today I was listening to NPR and I was hearing an interview with an Egyptian guy sharing his views on Mubarak's regime change. He's among many egyptians' that feel Mubarak leaving is a horrible thing. Despite the things Mubarak has done, with Mubarak in power a lot of Egyptians feel like there is more security, protection, and certainty for their country. I had this same conversation with an Iraqi about Saddam being removed when that all went down. My Iraqi friend felt it was better that people feared for their life because people were controlled. People who are oppressed get used to it. Its a bit of comfort. It becomes the new normal, despite people being tortured, and all the money dissapearing. The guy being interview wasn't just unhappy, he was angry.

As I was listen to this interview and thinking about how insane that was, I couldn't help but think about our everyday lives. How often do we say I can leave the comfort of what I've been conditioned to say is the new normal. I don't know what you struggle with, but don't settle for comfort.

The second half of the interview was of a young Egyptian. He was asked what he felt about this whole ordeal. His response was inspiring. He said we wanted something and we got it for the first time ever. For the first time in an Arib world we got what we wanted. There is a better life out there for us free of oppression from whatever keeps you down. Holy Spirit bring freedom just ask him to, and walk out of the mess. This was a bit preachy, but whatever you didn't have to read it. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pioneer? Really?

It seems like the pattern for me is becoming clear. Over the past couple of years I start something, and then I'm called to move on again to the next thing. In the past four years I've lived in countless places, and done different ministries. I think this is the first time I have stayed in one place for more than six months. To be honest, its not the greatest experience. Audra and I really want to sink our teeth into something and stick somewhere. I just want to finish something. I think its just a season we are in.

With that in mind, the next month is going to be the start of crazy time. I'm doing landscaping, full time classes at U.N.F, and pioneering a campus ministry that has grown 50% in the past four months. By 50% I mean went from being just me, to Audra and I. Balancing all of that can be a bit overwhelming for me. I have a one tracked mind. It's not great for balance. You can ask my wife. As, I was thinking about starting something again and managing all that, something dawned on me. God has always been doing something, and he is just asking me to be a part of it. I dont really have to pioneer anything. I just get to join in with what he is already up to. On paper this might not make sense to someone who is type A. He has been in the work of redeeming all of life for some time now, and I can never actually do that. I think I was subtly reminded by God today that this is his work, and he will complete what he wants to. Im not a pioneer, I'm just a partner.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chicago Bound

Audra and I are headed up to Chicago this weekend to hang out with our Chi town friends. Chicago is the best place to visit in July. I think July is the only time to visit actually. All joking aside, its a great city. I would probably live there if I didn't shiver when it drops below 79 degrees. Anyways, Audra told me that there were a few things she needed to do. 1) Eat a Chicago hot dog 2) Eat Chicago Pizza 3) Check out downtown. 4.) Im pretty sure were going to strongly consider seeing a cubs game. The Sox's are playing the cubs in one of the most heated cross town rivalries. I will die a happy man if we can swing that. More than that, were going to hang out with some of my favorite people, and be a part of a cool church gathering. *Side note the 4th of july is a week long in are lighting fireworks for days.Should be fun.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Last weeks adventures

Josh Mason and I were walking through the neighborhood when a homeless dude asked us for money. He wanted a few bucks for some lunch, but I never feel comfortable giving cash to homeless guys. I just don't want to be doing more harm then good. Anyways, Josh and and I were on the way to get something to eat, so I invite him along for our lunch break. Quan, Josh, and I arranged the tables to create enough room for the both of us to eat outside. About the time a waiter was about to take our order when another homeless dude asked for a couple of bucks. Again I didn't feel good about giving out money, but I told him he could eat with us if he would talk with us. He eventually obliged, and there we were eating together. The waiter looked at us like we were crazy. I think those two are frequenters at Al's establishment. We munch down on some tasty pizza and Josh posed a question. He said, "Neil whats on your mind." Neil looked back in amazement. He said that no one has asked him that in six months. They both went on to explain that they felt like everyone else because they could sit without anxiety that they would be brushed away because today they are paying customers. Later on we connected back up for a community potluck. No one knew that Neil was homeless. He commented that the kids played with him, and weren't afraid of him. He looked over at me and said the comment that makes sense of my entire life. He said to me, I have felt human again. People have talked to me and you guys love me. This was just the beginning of our relationship. We have talked every other day since then. It's really cool to see our community ministering and love a guy that's trying to get back on his feet. It's fun to be a part of a community that is a part of God's kingdom making things right.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My ymca visit today

I was at the YMCA today and I was looking up at the wall and noticing all these contributors names written on their own personal banners. The banners signified that they were key people who donate to the y each year. I came across one and its said glory be to God instead of someone's name. I was thinking about the temptation of letting people know how good you are doing in the day to day. You know what I'm talking about. Its when you tell someone what your up to for God, or how spiritual you are. When I do that it has nothing to do with giving God glory, but it feels so good doesn't it? Gosh the deepest part of us needs to hear good job, we need more of your kind around. What enables you to not let people know what your given? A love for God? Maybe. Maybe its really to know that he already says good job, well done. You are faithful. I'm proud of you. I think then we can live not letting our left hand know what our right hand is doing. It would be powerful if we became consumed on letting people know how great God is instead of us. People know the difference.