Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pioneer? Really?

It seems like the pattern for me is becoming clear. Over the past couple of years I start something, and then I'm called to move on again to the next thing. In the past four years I've lived in countless places, and done different ministries. I think this is the first time I have stayed in one place for more than six months. To be honest, its not the greatest experience. Audra and I really want to sink our teeth into something and stick somewhere. I just want to finish something. I think its just a season we are in.

With that in mind, the next month is going to be the start of crazy time. I'm doing landscaping, full time classes at U.N.F, and pioneering a campus ministry that has grown 50% in the past four months. By 50% I mean went from being just me, to Audra and I. Balancing all of that can be a bit overwhelming for me. I have a one tracked mind. It's not great for balance. You can ask my wife. As, I was thinking about starting something again and managing all that, something dawned on me. God has always been doing something, and he is just asking me to be a part of it. I dont really have to pioneer anything. I just get to join in with what he is already up to. On paper this might not make sense to someone who is type A. He has been in the work of redeeming all of life for some time now, and I can never actually do that. I think I was subtly reminded by God today that this is his work, and he will complete what he wants to. Im not a pioneer, I'm just a partner.

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