Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My ymca visit today

I was at the YMCA today and I was looking up at the wall and noticing all these contributors names written on their own personal banners. The banners signified that they were key people who donate to the y each year. I came across one and its said glory be to God instead of someone's name. I was thinking about the temptation of letting people know how good you are doing in the day to day. You know what I'm talking about. Its when you tell someone what your up to for God, or how spiritual you are. When I do that it has nothing to do with giving God glory, but it feels so good doesn't it? Gosh the deepest part of us needs to hear good job, we need more of your kind around. What enables you to not let people know what your given? A love for God? Maybe. Maybe its really to know that he already says good job, well done. You are faithful. I'm proud of you. I think then we can live not letting our left hand know what our right hand is doing. It would be powerful if we became consumed on letting people know how great God is instead of us. People know the difference.

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