Monday, July 26, 2010


So it been a while since my last post, but I’ve been pretty swamped. So sorry, but I don’t think anyone actually reads this anyhow. So, this has been brewing for a while. I don’t even know where to begin. Over the past year I’ve experienced some amazing times with God. Jesus has overwhelmed my soul with Love and removed bitterness and things I can’t even write on this paper. It has led me to conversations with my ex-wife and healing that I never knew possible. Some days, I remember how confidant I once was in my wholeness and wonder if I will ever get there again. Today I was jogging and thinking, why would anyone follow me? I don’t even trust me! As I was running I was thinking about times when Jesus confronted religious people, and one time when he preached on a mountaintop. In this dialog, he said, I came for the sick, not the healthy. On the mountaintop he talked about how blessed the broken were, and how the lowly in spirit sees God. One foot in front of the other, I began to piece a message from God together, or so he lets me think. Scripture clearly tells us that we all sin. If Jesus says that he came for the healthy is he contradicting this scripture? No, he is alluding to the fact that he came for people who realize that they are broken. What I’ve come to realize as I’ve been trying to put the pieces back together, I’ve been waiting to arrive somewhere. This will never happen. If we are daring enough to stare in the eyes of perfect, we will continue to realize that we are broken in way we haven’t seen before, and its alright. This is part of the process that will not end until we see him fully. So as Jesus makes his sermon on the mount, I think what he is re-iterating is the fact we are always in need of a savior. There isn't a point when we don't need him anymore.. The second we feel like we got it together. You should start worrying. I know people will follow me because who I’m following, not because I'm gifted. Come along me in this journey of brokenness. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God.

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