Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birthday Blog

So this is a birthday blog. I just wanted to give and update on my life a bit. A lot has changed over the past three weeks. I recently moved into riverside, and I'm living in community again. I started interning at River City Church which has been awesome. People there are loving and genuine. I working with community which is close to my heart. I've seen it impact my life. I'm being restored and healed every week. It's a season of restoration. God has totally been faithful and patient. It something I could never make happen, and his timing has been perfect. Its so good to feel God's hand on my life. So I'm so grateful for my friends, family, which is his love. Thank you all for pouring into my life and helping me stay in the game. It's been a rough couple of years, but you guys are why I am still here.