Friday, January 8, 2010

A disclaimer

I'm excited to finally start blogging again. I've got a lot on my mind. I have to say before I begin that I want to start an honest conversation about how I feel, and what I am going through. I've realized that I'm never "fixed, or "finished," So I am not going to try to appear to be. I want one place in my life to be unfiltered. If you know me, I'm always unfiltered, but this way you know what you are getting before you decide to read whats going through my mind. I've found, for me, they best way to find God, is to examine everything I believe and why I believe it, how I feel towards God, and what I want to do versus what I'm actually doing. I've seen most of my "Christian" life I've been untruthful to myself and others about whats going on in my heart. Two thousand nine, was a journey into just that. As I journey farther into the truth that sets free, I found my hands bloodier than ever before God. My need has driven me to God like I never knew possible. And I've seen my heart become alive for the things of God unthanks to me. I wouldn't want to live any other way. So if you want to read my blog, great, but comment on how you've seen God, or what you are going through. Write what you think. I want to keep it open. Just know everything I write is out of love, and a desire to find relationship with God. If what I write makes you angry, you might want to ask why. The truth will set you free.